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Achillea Millefolium

Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before frost season ends. Use starter trays or small pots. Press seed into soil but do not cover. Light aids germination. Keep moist until germination. Or, after frost danger has passed, directly sow outdoors in prepared soil. Thin seedlings to 16 inches apart. Thrives in those infertile, untended garden spots. Bloom in just 4 months after being planted, and they bloom through summer and fall especially if the spent flowers are deadheaded.

6-7 seeds per plant.

Seed Count: approximately 200 seeds

Plant Type: Perennial

USDA Zones: 3-10

Light Requirements: partial shade to full shade

Soil Preference: well draining soil, 5.5 -6.8

Bloom: 4 months after being planted

Plant Height: 18-24”

How to Grow

Germination: 14-21 days at 60-70F

Seeding Depth: Do not cover, press into soil

Plant Spacing: 16”

Days to Maturity: 110-120 days

Early-Season Seeding:

Late-Season Seeding:

Growing Tips:

Cut Flower:

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Achillea Millefolium

Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before frost season ends. Use starter trays or small pots. Press seed into soil but do not cover. Light aids germination. Keep moist until germination. Or, after frost danger has passed, directly sow outdoors in prepared soil. Thin seedlings to 16 inches apart. Thrives in those infertile, untended garden spots. Bloom in just 4 months after being planted, and they bloom through summer and fall especially if the spent flowers are deadheaded.

6-7 seeds per plant.

Seed Count: approximately 200 seeds

Plant Type: Perennial

USDA Zones: 3-10

Light Requirements: partial shade to full shade

Soil Preference: well draining soil, 5.5 -6.8

Bloom: 4 months after being planted

Plant Height: 18-24”

How to Grow

Germination: 14-21 days at 60-70F

Seeding Depth: Do not cover, press into soil

Plant Spacing: 16”

Days to Maturity: 110-120 days

Early-Season Seeding:

Late-Season Seeding:

Growing Tips:

Cut Flower:

Achillea Millefolium

Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before frost season ends. Use starter trays or small pots. Press seed into soil but do not cover. Light aids germination. Keep moist until germination. Or, after frost danger has passed, directly sow outdoors in prepared soil. Thin seedlings to 16 inches apart. Thrives in those infertile, untended garden spots. Bloom in just 4 months after being planted, and they bloom through summer and fall especially if the spent flowers are deadheaded.

6-7 seeds per plant.

Seed Count: approximately 200 seeds

Plant Type: Perennial

USDA Zones: 3-10

Light Requirements: partial shade to full shade

Soil Preference: well draining soil, 5.5 -6.8

Bloom: 4 months after being planted

Plant Height: 18-24”

How to Grow

Germination: 14-21 days at 60-70F

Seeding Depth: Do not cover, press into soil

Plant Spacing: 16”

Days to Maturity: 110-120 days

Early-Season Seeding:

Late-Season Seeding:

Growing Tips:

Cut Flower: