Queen Annes Lace


Ammi majus

Also known as Ammi or Bishops Flower. The delicate quality of these flowers is reminiscent of lace, hence the name. Similar to baby’s breath, it adds the perfect finishing touch to floral arrangements. Tall stems add height to the back of gardens, and add a beautiful texture to gardens, fresh and dried floral arrangements. Flowers attract a variety of beneficial insects and pollinators.

Seed Count: approximately 100 seeds

Plant Height: 3-4’

Light Requirements: full sun

Soil Preference: moist, well-draining soil

USDA Zones: 4-9 (annual)

How to Grow

Germination: 12-16 days at 60-65F

Seeding Depth: 1/8” depth

Plant Spacing: 8-12”

Days to Maturity: 65-75 days

Early-Season Seeding: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before the last spring frost date and transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seed after the danger of frost has passed in Northern regions.

Late-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors or direct seed outdoors at least 12 weeks before the first frost date. Direct seed in fall in the south.

Growing Tips: Seeds can be sown in succession to provide a more continuous flowering time. Chill seeds for 2 weeks at 40F to improve germination when seeding indoors. A supportive trellis may be needed for stems in windy locations. Temperatures around 60F are best for growing on seedlings indoors.

Cut Flower: Harvest when 80% of the flowers on each cluster are open to prevent wilting and lengthen the vase-life. Flowers can be dried when all of the flowers are completely open and the stem is hung upside down in a dry, dark location.

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Ammi majus

Also known as Ammi or Bishops Flower. The delicate quality of these flowers is reminiscent of lace, hence the name. Similar to baby’s breath, it adds the perfect finishing touch to floral arrangements. Tall stems add height to the back of gardens, and add a beautiful texture to gardens, fresh and dried floral arrangements. Flowers attract a variety of beneficial insects and pollinators.

Seed Count: approximately 100 seeds

Plant Height: 3-4’

Light Requirements: full sun

Soil Preference: moist, well-draining soil

USDA Zones: 4-9 (annual)

How to Grow

Germination: 12-16 days at 60-65F

Seeding Depth: 1/8” depth

Plant Spacing: 8-12”

Days to Maturity: 65-75 days

Early-Season Seeding: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before the last spring frost date and transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seed after the danger of frost has passed in Northern regions.

Late-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors or direct seed outdoors at least 12 weeks before the first frost date. Direct seed in fall in the south.

Growing Tips: Seeds can be sown in succession to provide a more continuous flowering time. Chill seeds for 2 weeks at 40F to improve germination when seeding indoors. A supportive trellis may be needed for stems in windy locations. Temperatures around 60F are best for growing on seedlings indoors.

Cut Flower: Harvest when 80% of the flowers on each cluster are open to prevent wilting and lengthen the vase-life. Flowers can be dried when all of the flowers are completely open and the stem is hung upside down in a dry, dark location.

Ammi majus

Also known as Ammi or Bishops Flower. The delicate quality of these flowers is reminiscent of lace, hence the name. Similar to baby’s breath, it adds the perfect finishing touch to floral arrangements. Tall stems add height to the back of gardens, and add a beautiful texture to gardens, fresh and dried floral arrangements. Flowers attract a variety of beneficial insects and pollinators.

Seed Count: approximately 100 seeds

Plant Height: 3-4’

Light Requirements: full sun

Soil Preference: moist, well-draining soil

USDA Zones: 4-9 (annual)

How to Grow

Germination: 12-16 days at 60-65F

Seeding Depth: 1/8” depth

Plant Spacing: 8-12”

Days to Maturity: 65-75 days

Early-Season Seeding: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before the last spring frost date and transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seed after the danger of frost has passed in Northern regions.

Late-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors or direct seed outdoors at least 12 weeks before the first frost date. Direct seed in fall in the south.

Growing Tips: Seeds can be sown in succession to provide a more continuous flowering time. Chill seeds for 2 weeks at 40F to improve germination when seeding indoors. A supportive trellis may be needed for stems in windy locations. Temperatures around 60F are best for growing on seedlings indoors.

Cut Flower: Harvest when 80% of the flowers on each cluster are open to prevent wilting and lengthen the vase-life. Flowers can be dried when all of the flowers are completely open and the stem is hung upside down in a dry, dark location.

Darker purple color than Dara. Similar in most other respects. Height: 4 ft.