Nasturtium Alaska Mix

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Trapaeolum minus

Choose between Empress of India or Alaska Mix. ‘Alaska mix’ produces yellow, orange, salmon, and red flowers that stand out on the lily pad shaped leaves. The foliage is enough to make this plant stand out with a splotchy striped look of green shades. This partial climbing plant can be guided up a trellis or left to mound in the garden. It works well with container plantings, attracting pollinators and repelling deer. This plant is not only beautiful in flower arrangements but is also edible. Peppery tasting leaves and mildly sweet flowers add zip and color to your salads.

Seed Count: approximately 15 seeds

Plant Height: 1-5’

Light Requirements: full sun, part shade

Soil Preference: rich, moist, well-draining soil, pH 6-8

USDA Zones: 2-8 (annual), 9-11 (perennial)

How to Grow

Germination: 7-14 days at 60-65F, gently rub seed with nail file to soften seed coat

Seeding Depth: 1/2-1” depth, require darkness for germination

Plant Spacing: 6-12”

Days to Maturity: 60-70

Early-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors 3-4 weeks before the last frost date, transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seeding is recommended. Sow around the last frost date.

Late-Season Seeding: Start seeds indoors or direct seed outdoors at least 10 weeks before your first fall frost date.

Growing Tips: Planting in partial shade or adding high nitrogen levels will limit flower production. Plants don’t transplant well so if starting inside use containers that can degrade in the soil such as peat pots to prevent root disruption. Nasturtium are susceptible to aphids and can be used as a ‘trap plant’ in your vegetable garden.

Cut Flower: Nasturtiums are used for both their leaves and flowers in arrangements. Flowers will last the longest if you harvest them right when they begin to open. The foliage is ready to be harvested when leaves become firm to touch. The vase life is typically 7-10 days, but flower food can often extend that life.

Edible: Leaves can be harvested anytime but flowers should be harvested after they have fully opened.

Photo by @buttenshawbackyardfarm

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Trapaeolum minus

Choose between Empress of India or Alaska Mix. ‘Alaska mix’ produces yellow, orange, salmon, and red flowers that stand out on the lily pad shaped leaves. The foliage is enough to make this plant stand out with a splotchy striped look of green shades. This partial climbing plant can be guided up a trellis or left to mound in the garden. It works well with container plantings, attracting pollinators and repelling deer. This plant is not only beautiful in flower arrangements but is also edible. Peppery tasting leaves and mildly sweet flowers add zip and color to your salads.

Seed Count: approximately 15 seeds

Plant Height: 1-5’

Light Requirements: full sun, part shade

Soil Preference: rich, moist, well-draining soil, pH 6-8

USDA Zones: 2-8 (annual), 9-11 (perennial)

How to Grow

Germination: 7-14 days at 60-65F, gently rub seed with nail file to soften seed coat

Seeding Depth: 1/2-1” depth, require darkness for germination

Plant Spacing: 6-12”

Days to Maturity: 60-70

Early-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors 3-4 weeks before the last frost date, transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seeding is recommended. Sow around the last frost date.

Late-Season Seeding: Start seeds indoors or direct seed outdoors at least 10 weeks before your first fall frost date.

Growing Tips: Planting in partial shade or adding high nitrogen levels will limit flower production. Plants don’t transplant well so if starting inside use containers that can degrade in the soil such as peat pots to prevent root disruption. Nasturtium are susceptible to aphids and can be used as a ‘trap plant’ in your vegetable garden.

Cut Flower: Nasturtiums are used for both their leaves and flowers in arrangements. Flowers will last the longest if you harvest them right when they begin to open. The foliage is ready to be harvested when leaves become firm to touch. The vase life is typically 7-10 days, but flower food can often extend that life.

Edible: Leaves can be harvested anytime but flowers should be harvested after they have fully opened.

Photo by @buttenshawbackyardfarm

Trapaeolum minus

Choose between Empress of India or Alaska Mix. ‘Alaska mix’ produces yellow, orange, salmon, and red flowers that stand out on the lily pad shaped leaves. The foliage is enough to make this plant stand out with a splotchy striped look of green shades. This partial climbing plant can be guided up a trellis or left to mound in the garden. It works well with container plantings, attracting pollinators and repelling deer. This plant is not only beautiful in flower arrangements but is also edible. Peppery tasting leaves and mildly sweet flowers add zip and color to your salads.

Seed Count: approximately 15 seeds

Plant Height: 1-5’

Light Requirements: full sun, part shade

Soil Preference: rich, moist, well-draining soil, pH 6-8

USDA Zones: 2-8 (annual), 9-11 (perennial)

How to Grow

Germination: 7-14 days at 60-65F, gently rub seed with nail file to soften seed coat

Seeding Depth: 1/2-1” depth, require darkness for germination

Plant Spacing: 6-12”

Days to Maturity: 60-70

Early-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors 3-4 weeks before the last frost date, transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seeding is recommended. Sow around the last frost date.

Late-Season Seeding: Start seeds indoors or direct seed outdoors at least 10 weeks before your first fall frost date.

Growing Tips: Planting in partial shade or adding high nitrogen levels will limit flower production. Plants don’t transplant well so if starting inside use containers that can degrade in the soil such as peat pots to prevent root disruption. Nasturtium are susceptible to aphids and can be used as a ‘trap plant’ in your vegetable garden.

Cut Flower: Nasturtiums are used for both their leaves and flowers in arrangements. Flowers will last the longest if you harvest them right when they begin to open. The foliage is ready to be harvested when leaves become firm to touch. The vase life is typically 7-10 days, but flower food can often extend that life.

Edible: Leaves can be harvested anytime but flowers should be harvested after they have fully opened.

Photo by @buttenshawbackyardfarm