Lettuce Mix

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This is a mix that will allow you to sow every two weeks and you can count on having a continuous supply of lettuce.

How to Grow:

Plant you seeds 1” apart in early spring in a sunny location. Thin to 6-12”if you want mature heads of lettuce or do not thin for baby leaves. Continually water the lettuce to ensure that the soil is moist.

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This is a mix that will allow you to sow every two weeks and you can count on having a continuous supply of lettuce.

How to Grow:

Plant you seeds 1” apart in early spring in a sunny location. Thin to 6-12”if you want mature heads of lettuce or do not thin for baby leaves. Continually water the lettuce to ensure that the soil is moist.

This is a mix that will allow you to sow every two weeks and you can count on having a continuous supply of lettuce.

How to Grow:

Plant you seeds 1” apart in early spring in a sunny location. Thin to 6-12”if you want mature heads of lettuce or do not thin for baby leaves. Continually water the lettuce to ensure that the soil is moist.