Foxglove Old Fashioned Mix


Digitalis Purpurea

Tall elegant spires of trumpet shaped flowers come in shades of cream, rose, lavender, and white, with dots along the inside of the petal. Foxglove blooms in early-spring and is loved by bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. Flowers add height to gardens or cut flower arrangements.

Seed Count: approximately 75 seeds

Plant Height: 36-60”

Light Requirements: full sun, partial shade

Soil Preference: moderate fertility, well-draining soil

USDA Zones: 4-8 (biennial)

How to Grow

Germination: 20-30 days at 65-70F, light required for germination

Seeding Depth: 1/8” depth

Plant Spacing: 12-18”

Days to Maturity: 365 days, blooms the second year

Early-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost date, transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seed outdoors when soil temperature is above 65F.

Late-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors or direct seeding outdoors at least 14 weeks before the first frost date in fall.

Growing Tips: All parts of this plant are poisonous to animals and humans. Bottom watering is helpful to prevent disturbing surface sown seeds or soil. Cut foliage back to the ground in fall after it has died back. Plant will regrow and flower the following year. Removing flowers before they go to seed will encourage more blooms.

Cut Flower: Harvest when flowers are ⅓ of flower spike is open for a vase-life 6-8 days with flower food.

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Digitalis Purpurea

Tall elegant spires of trumpet shaped flowers come in shades of cream, rose, lavender, and white, with dots along the inside of the petal. Foxglove blooms in early-spring and is loved by bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. Flowers add height to gardens or cut flower arrangements.

Seed Count: approximately 75 seeds

Plant Height: 36-60”

Light Requirements: full sun, partial shade

Soil Preference: moderate fertility, well-draining soil

USDA Zones: 4-8 (biennial)

How to Grow

Germination: 20-30 days at 65-70F, light required for germination

Seeding Depth: 1/8” depth

Plant Spacing: 12-18”

Days to Maturity: 365 days, blooms the second year

Early-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost date, transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seed outdoors when soil temperature is above 65F.

Late-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors or direct seeding outdoors at least 14 weeks before the first frost date in fall.

Growing Tips: All parts of this plant are poisonous to animals and humans. Bottom watering is helpful to prevent disturbing surface sown seeds or soil. Cut foliage back to the ground in fall after it has died back. Plant will regrow and flower the following year. Removing flowers before they go to seed will encourage more blooms.

Cut Flower: Harvest when flowers are ⅓ of flower spike is open for a vase-life 6-8 days with flower food.

Digitalis Purpurea

Tall elegant spires of trumpet shaped flowers come in shades of cream, rose, lavender, and white, with dots along the inside of the petal. Foxglove blooms in early-spring and is loved by bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. Flowers add height to gardens or cut flower arrangements.

Seed Count: approximately 75 seeds

Plant Height: 36-60”

Light Requirements: full sun, partial shade

Soil Preference: moderate fertility, well-draining soil

USDA Zones: 4-8 (biennial)

How to Grow

Germination: 20-30 days at 65-70F, light required for germination

Seeding Depth: 1/8” depth

Plant Spacing: 12-18”

Days to Maturity: 365 days, blooms the second year

Early-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost date, transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seed outdoors when soil temperature is above 65F.

Late-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors or direct seeding outdoors at least 14 weeks before the first frost date in fall.

Growing Tips: All parts of this plant are poisonous to animals and humans. Bottom watering is helpful to prevent disturbing surface sown seeds or soil. Cut foliage back to the ground in fall after it has died back. Plant will regrow and flower the following year. Removing flowers before they go to seed will encourage more blooms.

Cut Flower: Harvest when flowers are ⅓ of flower spike is open for a vase-life 6-8 days with flower food.