Balsam Tom Thumb Mix


Impatiens balsamina

Unique flowers in shades of white, pink, red, and purple are produced on stems between glossy leaves. This plant has a slight tropical appearance and attracts a variety of pollinators with its bright colors. This shade tolerant, dwarf plant is ideal for garden borders or container plantings blooming all summer long and freely self sowing to bloom again next year.

Seed Count: approximately 50 seeds

Plant Height: 12-16”

Light Requirements: partial shade, tolerates full sun

Soil Preference: moderate fertility and moisture, pH 6-7.5

USDA Zones: 3-11 (annual)

How to Grow

Germination: 4-70 days at 65-70F

Seeding Depth: 1/4” depth

Plant Spacing: 8-12”

Days to Maturity: 65-75 days

Early-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors 8 weeks before your last frost and transplant outside after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seed outdoors after the last frost date.

Late-Season Seeding: Direct seed outdoors at least 10 weeks before the first frost date.

Growing Tips: This is a fast growing flower that can tolerate more sun than other impatiens. Remove flowers after they die back to prevent self sowing. Seeds can also be collected and stored for next year as long as they are kept in a cool-dry location through winter.

Photo by @nalinsirimyworld

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Impatiens balsamina

Unique flowers in shades of white, pink, red, and purple are produced on stems between glossy leaves. This plant has a slight tropical appearance and attracts a variety of pollinators with its bright colors. This shade tolerant, dwarf plant is ideal for garden borders or container plantings blooming all summer long and freely self sowing to bloom again next year.

Seed Count: approximately 50 seeds

Plant Height: 12-16”

Light Requirements: partial shade, tolerates full sun

Soil Preference: moderate fertility and moisture, pH 6-7.5

USDA Zones: 3-11 (annual)

How to Grow

Germination: 4-70 days at 65-70F

Seeding Depth: 1/4” depth

Plant Spacing: 8-12”

Days to Maturity: 65-75 days

Early-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors 8 weeks before your last frost and transplant outside after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seed outdoors after the last frost date.

Late-Season Seeding: Direct seed outdoors at least 10 weeks before the first frost date.

Growing Tips: This is a fast growing flower that can tolerate more sun than other impatiens. Remove flowers after they die back to prevent self sowing. Seeds can also be collected and stored for next year as long as they are kept in a cool-dry location through winter.

Photo by @nalinsirimyworld

Impatiens balsamina

Unique flowers in shades of white, pink, red, and purple are produced on stems between glossy leaves. This plant has a slight tropical appearance and attracts a variety of pollinators with its bright colors. This shade tolerant, dwarf plant is ideal for garden borders or container plantings blooming all summer long and freely self sowing to bloom again next year.

Seed Count: approximately 50 seeds

Plant Height: 12-16”

Light Requirements: partial shade, tolerates full sun

Soil Preference: moderate fertility and moisture, pH 6-7.5

USDA Zones: 3-11 (annual)

How to Grow

Germination: 4-70 days at 65-70F

Seeding Depth: 1/4” depth

Plant Spacing: 8-12”

Days to Maturity: 65-75 days

Early-Season Seeding: Start seed indoors 8 weeks before your last frost and transplant outside after the danger of frost has passed. Direct seed outdoors after the last frost date.

Late-Season Seeding: Direct seed outdoors at least 10 weeks before the first frost date.

Growing Tips: This is a fast growing flower that can tolerate more sun than other impatiens. Remove flowers after they die back to prevent self sowing. Seeds can also be collected and stored for next year as long as they are kept in a cool-dry location through winter.

Photo by @nalinsirimyworld