Where Should You Plant Chrysanthemums?

Quick Answer: Chrysanthemums can grow in many conditions but they will perform best planted in a location with full sun.

Chrysanthemums in the garden prefer to be planted in an open sunny location and should not be shaded by buildings, large shrubs or trees for more than three or four hours per day. They CAN grow in shade but the plants will be much smaller and have less blooms.

Any fairly rich soil, be it sandy, clay, or loam, that will grow other flowers and vegetables well will also grow good Mums. There is no soil that Mums particularly favor; they will grow equally well in all.

They do love humus such as peat, leaf mold, or barnyard manure. They will struggle to thrive in a hard baked and cracked soil. Loosen it up with peat and add a nice thick layer of healthy topsoil over the top so the water will penetrate and not run off when applied.

Here are a few very healthy and high performing varieties that we recommend:

GRAPE GLOW: A beautiful violet bloom with a silver reverse. An early bloomer with a free blooming habit and large flowers. The stocky plants grow to 15” tall with a 20” spread. A great cut flower.

BELLE O’ THE BALL: Bloom Date-Sept. 20. Exquisite 5 inch rich lavender flowers on a very dark green 24 inch plant.

MINNRUBY: One of the owner, Sara’s very favorites because it pairs so beautifully with almost all the other colors - especially with ‘Autumn Fire’ and ‘Autumn Beauty.’

If you’d like to see all of our varieties you can shop our chrysanthemums here.


How To Grow Chrysanthemums in Zone 4 and 5


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